I am so excited that you are here! A few simple facts about me. I LOVE cats. Like absolutely adore them. I am certainly a crazy cat lady. I will never ever say no if you ask me if I want to see pictures of your pets. Coffee may be more important to my day than air. I love coffee. Iced, hot, fancy...whatever it is I love it.
My story started in New Hampshire where I grew up. Talk about a jaw dropping gorgeous state! But there is snow there...a lot of it. So I ran away to Florida and there I had my two beautiful little babies. I was a stay at home mother and Navy wife for awhile. I am so very thankful to have had that time with my children while they were young but I'm going to share something here. I was awful. I was depressed, moody, and probably not a very fun person to be around. I hated myself. My kids' father and I separated and divorced. Going from SAHM to single working mother struggling to make ends meet was a real eye opener for me. I grew up and I grew up fast. I pulled myself out of my depression and really worked on becoming me. I worked for a rock band who taught me how to let go and have fun (Love them!). I volunteered at a big cat rescue (lions and tigers and...no bears but OH MY!). Catty Shack Ranch really was my happy place. I was happier there picking up tiger poop and chuffing to all the residents than anywhere else. I miss Florida so much, but love brought me here to Ohio and it is quickly becoming home.